Add a dropdown list to any button. Make sure that the data-activates
attribute matches the id in the <ul>
You can add a divider with the <li class="divider"></li>
<!-- Dropdown Trigger -->
<a class='dropdown-button btn' href='#' data-activates='dropdown1'>Drop Me!</a>
<!-- Dropdown Structure -->
<ul id='dropdown1' class='dropdown-content'>
<li><a href="#!">one</a></li>
<li><a href="#!">two</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href="#!">three</a></li>
Option Name | Description |
induration | The duration of the transition enter in milliseconds. Default: 300 |
outduration | The duration of the transition out in milliseconds. Default: 225 |
constrainwidth | If true, constrainWidth to the size of the dropdown activator. Default: true |
hover | If true, the dropdown will open on hover. Default: false |
gutter | This defines the spacing from the aligned edge. Default: 0 |
beloworigin | If true, the dropdown will show below the activator. Default: false |
To use these inline you have to add them as data attributes. If you want more dynamic control, you can define them using the jQuery plugin below.
<a class='dropdown-button btn' data-beloworigin="true" href='#' data-activates='dropdown1'>Drop Me!</a>
jQuery Plugin Initialization
Initialization for dropdowns is only necessary if you create them dynamically.
inDuration: 300,
outDuration: 225,
constrain_width: false, // Does not change width of dropdown to that of the activator
hover: true, // Activate on hover
gutter: 0, // Spacing from edge
belowOrigin: false // Displays dropdown below the button